
ActiveFlow Workflow Engine


ActiveFlow Feature List
arrow ActiveFlow Database
Departments, Roles, Users  User attributes include hierarchy and title
Import the organization structure  Using Excel, CSV
Export the organization structure  Using Excel, CSV
Organization Administration Toolset Import/synchronize organization data with external systems e.g. the personnel database
SQL server based, Unicode database, multi-language support  User interfaces currently in English, German, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Russian, Vietnamese, Hebrew 
arrow Full BPMN Process Definition
Full BPMN Splitting types  
arrow ActiveFlow forms
HTML forms Created with any HTML editor
Easy to use predefined controls Drag and drop standard controls onto the web page for faster form development
  Return, reject  Return puts the workflow item back in the Intray of the return candidate for resubmission after correction.  A full audit trail is always maintained 
  File attachments Multiple attachments can be made
  CC Notify other users at design time or run time
  Browse to choose user From the Organization hierarchy
  Form Escalation Multi level actions to escalate the user inaction, including alert supervisor, send mail etc
  Audit Trail Full audit trail in each form (in addition to enquiries)
arrow Routing
Sequential approval, return, reject  
Parallel approval, return, reject  
Return to previous, return to maker  
Rules wizard For setting conditional routing, e.g. > $50,000
Group broadcast For parallel approval by group members(e.g send to all Senior Managers)
Workflow pool Call center type routing (Work can be assigned to a pool of users)
Bubble-up authorization settings For easy setting of approval flow inside departments. Only 1 activity needs to be defined
Workflow candidates Who needs to approve a workflow by user role/ name
Ad-Hoc selection of next receiver(s) For Ad-Hoc routing at run time
arrow Virtual Features
Robotic User For automatic handling of activities e.g gather results and send to an external user
Virtual Client For processing workflows e.g triggering the start of a workflow due a database event, arrival of a message etc
arrow Interface to External Systems
Interfaces to any system Rules Wizard allows full interfacing to any system with transaction integrity
API Full API set
Custom Script Any level of complexity can be achieved with Custom Scripting
arrow Other features
Expiry For workflow escalation and expiry notification
Special fields For searchable fields within the form in addition to full text search
Special view For giving access to auditors, accountants etc.
arrow Start a new workflow form
Workflow structure Group workflow entries in a multi-level tree menu
Start new workflow Start a form depending on the process map
Start a workflow "on behalf of.." Start a form as a delegate maker (e.g. secretary can prepare a  workflow for a boss)
Copy form Copy and modify an older form ready to submit again - a productivity feature
arrow In-tray
View all forms waiting for action  The forms you received
Delegate forms Forms received for you acting as a delegate
Returned forms Forms returned from upstream activities
Cc forms Informative forms. You cannot action these.
Hold forms Unfinished forms you will handle later.
Pooled forms Forms received in a common pool. Other colleagues can handle these forms also.
Filtering intray forms As per selection criteria, e.g all Purchase Orders submitted after May 26th 2007.
arrow Enquiries
Tracing workflows Trace the form's route, check the status.
Waiting forms  
Finally approved forms  
Rejected forms  
Pending forms  
Filtering by:  
  Title content  
  Form content: Uses the Full Text Search capability of Microsoft SQL 2000/2005
  Form value(s) for example: all purchase orders with value higher than $5000
  Period (by maker department and maker user)  
  Period (by approver department and approver user)  
  Display departments option  
arrow Special functions
Emergency action Work can be handled by a more senior person in the hierarchy with full audit trail
Cancel workflow Take back a form submitted in error for example
Special view Special access to certain workflows for external auditors or accountants
Key Performance Indicators Strong KPI set including "Average waiting time","number of transactions" etc
Workflow status See all the forms flowing through the system - for administrators
Workflow in progress View all in flights forms by selection criteria
arrow Administration
Change password  
Change delegate  
  Delegate Delegate for approving workflows (can be set by the user)
  Delegate Maker Delegate for making workflows (can be set by the user)
Edit user    
  Language User interface language (can be set by the user)
Delete users Users are logically deleted only(due to reporting requirements)
Add new user  
General attributes  
Bubble-up routing For easy workflow definition. Workflow automatically traverses the org. structure
User's position  
  User groups  
Set security rights  
Set user access rights Set allow or deny for view, start or cancel the workflow for a user
Custom users properties  Can be used for Employee ID, phone number etc.
Organization structure See the organization structure tree
Groups Cluster users into optional groups for easy workflow definition (Send to all managers etc)
Event log View system events
Set holidays Define company wide public holidays, working days
Set password policy Define strong password rules, password expiry etc. Fully SOX compliant
Custom fields Add extra properties to user's records
Global email Set the default email address.
Message broadcast For sending informative email to ActiveFlow users. Filters by department, groups of users
Manage License group License group management
AD Integration Full AD integration for single sign-on
Security Software has been fully audited and certified against Security violations


