KAISHA-Tec announces a new range of simplified vertical workflow solution templates for the retail, CSR, local government and accounting sectors.
All feature:
A simple user interface for greater productivity
Streamlined workflow
A HTML5 reporting dashboard for workflow and KPI analysis.
A SaaS option (KAISHA-Tec can provide the hosting)
A security shield option from your main corporate computer system
2 way Web Service interoperability to any computer system
Completely configurable to feature your company logo and colour scheme
The workflow solutions are ideal for users who do not require the full user interface of ActiveFlow e.g.
Remote users from the central site e.g. retail shops, warehousing etc
Suppliers who need to gain access to the corporate computer system but with limited functionality and visibility
Users who only perform a few simple functions but need to be part of the workflow supply chain. These users do not need to see a full workflow interface menu
General Public Internet users who need to interact with corporate computer systems
Mobile phone users who need to interact with corporate computer systems
Based on our templates, KAISHA-Tec can provide a total solution tailored to your needs in a very short time and at a very competitive price.
Here are some screen shots of the typical interfaces: