ActiveModeler Avantage allows you to export to the latest XPDL 2.0 standard from the Workflow Management Coalition.
See for more information about the standard.
XPDL 2.0 export ensures:
1. Your investment in process modeling is secure.
Process analysis can be expensive in terms of consultancy and manpower.
It makes sense not to bottle up this information in a proprietary
platform or on paper! The sensible solution is to use a modeler which
can export to this industry accepted open standard. Avantage can help
you with this security.
2. Transportability of a process model between modelers.
modeling tools may be better at some things than others. For example
high end simulation or workflow. It can be useful to move a process
model between modelers.
Avantage allows you to export a process model and all contained sub-processes to XPDL with just one click. It's that easy.
Export Extensions
Besides exporting the standard BPMN process model,
Avantage exports all the information in the process model for
maximum interoperability via XPDL 2.0 extensions. This includes:
SOX information
You can see that Avantage is no "island of
information". Below you can see the category information in the
XPDL 2.0 export