We feel it is impossible for Avantage to include all the functionality required by all users.
You may want a special report, menu, analysis function or even a sophisticated new feature.
KAISHA-Tec is pleased to include the power of the Lua Script engine
enable end-users to extend the functionality of Avantage. Lua is a
very powerful yet easy to use language that is used in many
applications from game software to space research and embedded mobile
devices. Lua is also free and distributed under a liberal
license (the well-known MIT license). It can be used for both academic
and commercial purposes at absolutely no cost. For more information
about Lua please see https://www.lua.org/
To demonstrate let's see how we can use Lua, say for
analysis. Supposing we need to extract certain information from
an Avantage process model and to do some calculation for us. We
could even notify the result automatically to a process engineer.
We write a small Lua script and add it to the Avantage project.
Then depending on the application, in this case we want to check an activity such as:
And we get the analysis:
This is a very basic example but we hope this
stimulates your imagination as to what could be done. You could
for example export a complete new type of analysis for a process model, in any format using the Lua
scripting engine. It is also very fast.